Standard Rating Confirmed Ukrgasbank Reliability

Ukrgasbank ranked 12th among the 35 most reliable banks in Ukraine based on 2011 results.

On 29 March, Standard Rating Agency summarized the results of the third Ukrainian banks reliability rating. According to the analysis, Ukrgasbank was placed among the most reliable banks with reliability rating of ua.1.

“We are not surprised to find ourselves among the most reliable banks in the country, as Ukrgasbank management attaches paramount importance to liquidity ratios, diversification of assets and liabilities. Moreover, Ukrgasbank capital adequacy ratio is well above the regulatory requirement. All these indicators, on the whole, prove the bank’s reliability”, commented Mr Stanislav Shlapak, First Deputy Chairman of the Board.

In compiling the rating, Standard Rating Agency relied on publicly available data of Ukrainian banks. Standard Rating regularly monitors the group of banks with assets above UAH 1 bn in the framework of the analysis.


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