UKRGASBANK continues to expand its trade finance portfolio

UKRGASBANK continues to support its clients' foreign trade activities, thus steadily expanding its portfolio of trade finance deals. Thus, according to the results of the first quarter of this year, the volume of such deals increased to more than 14 billion UAH, which is 30% more than at the beginning of January.

Such rapid dynamics testify to the high efficiency of the bank in this direction, the ability to quickly respond to the actual needs of clients and adapt to work in new realities.

It should also be noted that the main components of the growth of UKRGASBANK's trade finance portfolio in the first quarter were the support from EBRD under the TFP (Trade Facilitation Program) program, the conclusion of trade finance eco-deals for clients, the opening and use of new "clean" limits from foreign banks and counterparties, as well as improvements to the bank's existing products, such as a customs guarantee, a guarantee of deferred payment of VAT, an express guarantee without collateral, etc.

Increasing the volume of trade finance will allow UKRGASBANK to continue to strengthen the support and financing of its clients' foreign economic activities, regardless of their scale.

In particular, at present, the smallest transaction was less than UAH 1,000 and the largest was over USD 20 million.

It should be reminded that in December last year UKRGASBANK doubled the EBRD's trade finance limit under the TFP program to $ 80 million.

And yet - for the second year in a row, UKRGASBANK is in the TOP-3 nomination “Best Bank in Eastern Europe” in trade finance.


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