Ukrgasbank confirmed its leadership in the OVGZ market

Ukrgasbank remains a leader in the local government bonds market, ranking third by the volume of trades in the stock and over-the-counter markets. 

The ranking reflects the level of the bond trader activity in the stock and over-the counter markets by the volume of deals made. Based on the results of the first quarter of 2012, Ukrgasbank increased its share in the market from 8.24% to 10.42%.

Andriy Chubotin, Head of Financial markets Transactions, commented on the bank’s policy in the government bonds market as follows:

“Ukrgasbank is a ‘primary dealer’ in the local government bonds market and takes an active part in the primary auctions. Today, it is the most liquid facility in the stock market. Owing to the sound reputation of the bank and professionalism of its dealers, the bank is more frequently chosen as a party to the government bond deals. Our flexibility in the stock market, prudent risk assessment and immediate response to new tenders in the OVGZ market are important contributors to our leadership.”  

The ranking reviewed the thirty leading traders and was based on the data provided by the self-regulating organization “Ukrainian Stock Traders”.

Please click here for the details of the Cbonds ranking. 


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