Two in one: UKRGASBANK launched the first in Ukraine PROSTIR–UnionPay co-badged card

UKRGASBANK together with the national payment system "PROSTIR" and the world's largest system UnionPay has developed a joint product, which has no analogs in the Ukrainian market. This is the first co-payment card in the country, which works with two payment systems UnionPay and PROSTIR.

So, what is a co-badge card and how does it work? This is a unique card that combines the best services and advantages of two payment systems - national payment system PROSTIR in Ukraine, and UnionPay International payment system - abroad. The peculiarity of our card is that in Ukraine it can be paid everywhere - regardless of which bank the payment device is installed. What about the advantages of using this card abroad, card may be used not only in China, where cards of other payment systems usually do not work but also in 179 countries and regions of the world you will be extremely easy to pay with your new card.

Therefore, the PROSTIR-UnionPay co-badge card is a new product on the Ukrainian payment market, which is now available to anyone who wants to assess the benefits of the synergy of Ukrainian and world technologies and products in the field of payments. Also, our card has a stylish design that will not leave anyone indifferent.

A few more details about the new card:

  • card level - Gold;
  • available in premium packages, as well as in addition to Platinum, World Elite and Infinite level cards;
  • free of charge within the Prestige package, with no service fee for a monthly transaction amount of UAH 2,000 per month or more for charge card project;
  • already available in 4 tariff plans: Private, Salary, Economy and ProZapas - our flagship deposit card.

UnionPay is the world leader in card issuance: about 8 billion cards, of which about 130 million are outside China. UPI cards are accepted by more than 2.9 million ATMs and 52 million merchants, of which about 29 million are outside China.

Ukraine has become the 178th country in the world to develop the UnionPay card service. Today, UPI allows the use of cards to pay for goods and services, as well as cash withdrawals in partnership with more than 2,300 financial institutions worldwide. UnionPay cards are issued by 61 countries, as they provide quality and secure cross-border payment services for the world's largest customer base of cardholders.

We will remind, in the summer of this year owners of UnionPay International cards started using them in a network of UKRGASBANK. At all points where the terminals of the bank and the network of National Payment System "PROSTIR" are installed, you can pay with UnionPay cards or simply withdraw cash at ATMs.


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