Ukrgasbank summarized its financial results for August 2012. Net profit of the Bank made UAH 37.7 million for the reporting period and UAH 281.7 million since YE2011, which by 33.5% surpasses the planed result.

Profit before impairment provisions and taxes made UAH 330.7 million, which is UAH 86.5 million or 35.4% more compared with a respective period a year before.

Share of Ukrgasbank in the total net profit of the banking system of Ukraine reached almost 11% at 01.08.2012.

Assets of the bank totaled UAH 20.3 billion as of 01.09.2012 posting an increase of 12% since YE2011.

Corporate loan portfolio increased by UAH 224 million or 2.38% in August.

Retail loans grew by UAH 93 million or 3.61% in August compared to a month before. The growth, to the large extent, is attributable to the bank’s active participation in the state program “Affordable Mortgage” facilitating cheaper mortgage loans. 160 loans for the total of UAH 37.8 million were issued in the reporting period.

Amounts due to customers increased by 2.68% in August and totaled UAH 7 billion at 01.09.2012. Corporate customers’ accounts made UAH 2.3 billion, posting a 6.9% growth compared to a month earlier.

Shareholders’ equity increased by UAH 33.7 million in August to total UAH 3.02 billion. ROA was 2.2% and ROE — 14.6% as of 01.09.2012

For reference: Ukrgasbank ranks 5th by the amount of authorized capital and 16th by the amount of assets as of 01.08.2012 in the banking system of Ukraine.

As of 01.09.2012 the regional network of the bank included 233 points of sales, 570 ATMs, 1018 in-house and retail POS-terminals, 10 self-service kiosks.


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