Delo Internet Portal (Ekonomika Publishing House) published data on financial results of the 10 most profitable banks in Ukraine for the 9 months 2012. Ukrgasbank is No.15 by assets and No. 6 by profit with the result of UAH 291 million (No. 4 in the group of the largest Ukrainian banks according to the NBU classification).

m.jpgAccording to Mr Sergii Mamedov, Chairman of the Board, the financial results of Ukrgasbank in 3Q2012 serve as a good confirmation of the well-balanced business strategy of the financial institution:

“Over a short period of time the management of the bank has quite substantially improved its profitability. The bank has been maintaining leading positions in the banking system of Ukraine in terms of profit growth for several months in a row. However, the continuous growth of the amounts due to customers that reached UAH 7 billion is the strongest confirmation. This attests to the trust the customers place with us as a stable nation-wide financial institution that may be entrusted with customer savings”, emphasized Mr Mamedov.

For reference: net profit of Ukrgasbank is UAH 108.3 million in 3Q2012. QoQ growth rate is 123%. RoA is 2% as of 01.10.2012, RoE — 13.3%.

Please also note that the results of the Ukrainian banks of the “first group” for 3Q2012 recently published by InvestGazeta business weekly are not fully correct (thus, the press office of Ukrgasbank has recalled its release dated 29.10.2012 based thereon)


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