Ukrgasbank is No.1 in the Rating of Municipal Bond Traders in 2013

The FSTS Stock Exchange published a rating of security traders that traded during 2013. Ukrgasbank occupied the 1st position in the municipal bond trades sector.

According to Stanislav Shlapak, the First Deputy Chairman of Board of Ukrgasbank: ‘The development of the municipal bonds market allows cities to raise additional funds for construction of new schools, hospitals, roads, water-supply and water disposal system, and other important projects. Municipal borrowings are one of the most reliable and low-cost sources of funding for socio-economic development programs of local communities. Ukrgasbank has been holding leading positions among the stock market traders for several years in a row.’

According to the results of government bonds trading in 2012, Ukrgasbank occupied the 1st position in the “The Quality of Deals and Reliability” nomination at the Perspektyva Stock Exchange.


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