NABU supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine

The Independent Association of the Banks of Ukraine (NABU), which unites 100 banks, denounces all attempts to break up Ukraine.

We raise our voice against the invasion of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine and attempts to use false reasons for the actual capture of the territory of our country and attempts to install a puppet regime there, which then asks to defend it against imaginary enemies.

The rights and freedoms of our citizens are guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine and other laws of our country. The facts of violations of these rights on ethnic, linguistic, religious or any other grounds in Ukraine were, are and will be non-existent. We are a tolerant society. The development of the young Ukrainian state was always characterized by peace and readiness to compromise. We have always been united by one thing – the understanding of the boundaries which you cannot cross in the process of political debate. When some local politicians had lost this understanding, the Ukrainian people reminded them of its existence.

We, the bankers of Ukraine, have always been and will be a part of the Ukrainian people. We stand united in our willingness to stand guard over the security and territorial integrity of our country.

We will do our best to solve the dangerous crisis in Ukraine, and encourage others to do so. Ukrainian must unite to defend their country.

The banking community supports the efforts of the authorities to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the stabilization of the social and economic situation in our state.

Glory to Ukraine!

Members of the NABU Council


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