2011 is a special year in the history of the bank. On July 21 the financial institution celebrates its 18th anniversary of successful performance at the Ukrainian banking market. During this time the bank together with all Ukrainian banking system has faced a number of challenges, nevertheless the relationship with its customers has been based on the grounds of mutually benefitial partnership in the long-term scale.

The vast experience and the 18 years track record and traditions, based on the high banking service standards, confidence and stability result in the top rankings of Ukrgasbank at the banking market. Nowadays Ukrgasbank is a fully-scale universal bank with a nation-wide coverage represented by 254 branches and outlets, 565 ATMs, 760 POS-terminals and 10 self-service kiosks.

The bank stands firmly and looks to the future with confidence. Our customers enjoy the full range of 24-hours distant services and the contact-center support thanks to the advanced IT technologies.

The partners of the bank comprise of large domestic companies representing different industries, as well as international institutions. The bank’s active performance at local and international markets enables to strengthen its standing, to provide upward dynamics of its financials and to grow its clientele.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine’s data Ukrgasbank joined the 1st group of the largest domestic banks by assets. Ukrgasbank became one of the largest Ukrainian banks measured by the shareholders’ equity of UAH 10 billion resulted in recent capital injection of UAH 4.3 billion.

The efficient performance of Ukrgasbank is focused on further growth of the institution as well as the development of the whole Ukrainian banking system and the stable economic growth of the country.


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