Ukrgasbank supported a private investor in the implementation of environmental projects in Ukraine

Ukrgasbank completed the first structured trade financing agreement for LLC "LNK" in the amount of EUR 280 thousand for the purchase of imported cogeneration gas-piston equipment with a capacity of 5MW for "green" electricity production.

The International Finance Corporation provided support in implementing such an agreement, and the funding was provided by a Slovakian bank CSOB.

"Considering that all environmental projects of LLC “LNK" have been funded by their own  investments, Ukrgasbank’s participation as a leading eco-bank is a significant step to support private business to realisesuch important environmental projects for Ukraine. We will continue to increase loan support for LLC "LNK", which will significantly improve the environmental situation," said Gennadiy Helemsky, Director of the Department of Structured Trade Finance of Ukrgasbank.

Today, LLC "LNK" is a leader in the implementation of environmental projects in de-gassing of solid domestic waste landfills in Ukraine. The main aim of LLC "LNK" is to solve environmental problems, such as reducing landfill gas emissions and producing alternative electric power. Through its biogas power plants, LLC "LNK", has already captured 57.8 million m3 of biogas from solid waste landfills; reduced CO2 emissions by an equivalent of 341 thousand tons; produced 95 million kWh of electricity; and replaced 145 million m3 of natural gas.


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