Kyrylo Shevchenko, UKRGASBANK CEO: the Bank operates as usual and is safe for the clients to visit

All branches of UKRGASBANK operate full-time without any limitations for the clients.

"All branches operate normally, with no restrictions for the clients and their queries. The only difference is smaller number of clients in the branches. We associate this with the effectiveness of communicating to the people the danger of coronavirus pandemic spreading.

For every socially responsible company the health and safety of its employees and clients are of utmost importance. Our country is currently taking all necessary steps to ensure this and we are uniting our efforts to counter the threat. Everybody at UKRGASBANK is working in a calm and responsible manner and where possible - remotely”, said Kyrylo Shevchenko.

Kyrylo Shevchenko also noted that lately there was a surge in using the on-line services, such as Ecobank mobile app, corporate website and call-cater.  

At the same time, Kyrylo Shevchenko stressed that all security measures were in place for those who were going to visit UKRGASBANK branches. All premises of the bank are thoroughly disinfected on a regular basis, all visitors are checked for high temperature and provided with hand sanitizers, while all the bank employees are equipped with the individual protection means.


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