Ukrgasbank is among leaders by payment cards issued

JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ is among top Ukrainian banks by payment cards issued according to the NBU data. The Bank achieved the 8th ranking position with 720ths cards issued, out of which 576ths are active cards as at 1 July, 2011.

Mr. Anton Kostornichenko, Director of retail banking department, anticipates the further positive dynamics by the number of cards issued: “Ukrgasbank is planning to launch a number of new card services and distant banking that will enable further demand growth and cards issued increase”.

The nationwide distribution network of JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ is represented by 279 points of sale: incl. the head office, 5 branches, 273 outlets, 562 ATMs, 768 POS-terminals (out of which 410 commercial POS-terminals and 358 banking POS-terminals) and 10 self-service kiosks.


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