One hundred transactions with the EBRD to support Ukrainian business

Today UKRGASBANK has made a remarkable one hundredth transaction for Ukrainian business under trade finance limit provided by the EBRD. The cooperation with our international partner started in summer 2019 with the limit of USD 40 million. Thanks to active work in supporting our customers international business, the limit was increased up to USD 170 million in spring 2020. So far, the Bank has already carried out transactions worth more than USD 100 million.

Our customers received funding under foreign economic projects mainly for the purchase of "green" energy equipment, agricultural machinery and transport, consumer goods and energy resources to strengthen Ukraine’s energy independence. Such support is extremely important for Ukrainian entrepreneurs, especially those that have been most affected by COVID-19.

TFP aims at financing export-oriented companies, stimulating the economic development of Ukraine and creating new jobs. EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme provides partial or full guarantees for individual trade transactions, as well as covers the payment risk of issuing banks in various countries.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is the largest global development organization that works exclusively with the private sector of developing countries – which is more than 2,000 companies worldwide. EBRD uses its capital, experience and influence for creating markets and opportunities in the most difficult regions of the world.


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