URKGASBANK became a partner of the Private Financing Advisory Network

URKGASBANK is the first bank to become a partner of the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) in Ukraine. PFAN is a global network of climate and clean energy financing experts, which offers free business coaching and investment facilitation to entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects in emerging markets. PFAN aims to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects and private sector investors.

This partnership will allow UKRGASBANK clients to receive free coaching and investor matchmaking services in climate adaptation and clean energy projects.
PFAN’s goals are to build clean energy markets one business at a time, mitigate climate change and mobilize private investment in support of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Partnership with PFAN will allow URKGASBANK to strengthen the role of clean energy and energy efficiency as well as popularize “green” ideas in Ukraine. This is in line with the Bank’s main objective to help local companies make investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, as part of wider efforts to combat climate change in Ukraine, creating value for the main shareholder and benefits for the society.


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