On April 4, 2007 the interest income was paid out on the notes of Ukrainian Insurance Group IC CJSC

On April 4, 2007 the interest income was paid out on the notes of Ukrainian Insurance Group IC CJSC for the eighth interest period

On April 4, 2007 the interest income was paid out on the notes of Ukrainian Insurance Group IC CJSC for the eighth interest period. The total interest amount was UAH 1.0121 million. The interest income was paid out by Ukrgasbank JSB OJSC as a paying agent at 39 Krasnoarmeiskaya, 01004, Kiev.

It was Ukrgasbank JSB OJSC that organized the issue and initial placement of the notes of
Ukrainian Insurance Group IC CJSC. The total amount of the notes issued comprised UAH 30 million.


Any financial resources raised from sale of the notes are to be used for the purposes of branch network development.


The interest rate on these notes for the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth interest periods of notes circulation is 14% per annum.

The maturity of the notes is 1,141 calendar days. The principal business activities of Ukrainian Insurance Group IC CJSC are insurance, reinsurance and financial activities associated with establishment, placement and administration of insurance reserves.


The volume of insurance payments received in 2005 comprised UAH 38,976,800.00 while in 2006 – UAH 91,624,700.00.

In addition, the largest share with respect to the types of insurance constitutes: 

- Land-Based Vehicles Voluntary Insurance:

2005 – UAH 18,321,700.00 (47.01%);

2006 – UAH 51,481,400.00 (56.19%).

- Freight and Baggage Insurance:

2005 – UAH 5,236,700.00 (13.44%);

2006 – UAH 13,606,400.00 (14.86%).

- Compulsory Vehicle Owners’ Civil and Legal Liability Insurance:

2005 – 4,835,300.00 (12.41%);

2006 – 11,510,900.00 (12.56%).


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