Ukrgasbank offers the new Visa Business corporate card for its corporate customers

Starting from April, 2007, Ukrgasbank offers the new Visa Business corporate card for its corporate customers

Starting from April, 2007, Ukrgasbank offers the new Visa Business corporate card for its corporate customers. Visa Business is a business class card declaring the customer’s stability and financial soundness. This card combines the functions of both a payment card and electronic corporate check book. That is why Visa Business is the best cashless payment tool in respect to entertainment, vacation, overhead and other administrative expenses incurred by the company’s employees.

For the small business segments, the bank offers VISA Electron corporate card.

“In 2007 the Bank plans to significantly expand its presence on the market of corporate card products”, comments the Head of the Corporate Banking Department of Ukrgasbank JSB, OJSC, Sergey Karpov. “It will be achieved also due to the extension of the card product line. This year we started implementing the Visa Business corporate card thus differentiating the card account services and, at the same time, taking into account the needs of some specific customer segments”.

One of the most critical advantages for the holders of international payment cards from Ukrgasbank is an opportunity to receive cash, without any commission, through ATMs or cash distribution points of Ukrgasbank and any of the 30 partner banks participating in the UkrCard Payment System as well as Ukrsotsbank and Pravex Bank. The total number of preferential ATMs comprises more than 1,800 units.  

Today employees from more than 1,300 various enterprises and organizations use the Ukrgasbank payment cards to receive their salaries and wages. More than 1,000 corporate customers have already appreciated the convenience of the corporate cards issued by Ukrgasbank.


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