“Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC Launches the Credit Conveyor

“Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC has begun the project on implementation of the software complex «CREDITINFO», which includes Decision Manager - the system of automatic processing of applications and execution of documents and Debt Manager - the debt repayment system. The software complex is designed by «CREDITINFO GROUP LTD», Iceland.

“Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC has begun the project on implementation of the software complex «CREDITINFO», which includes Decision Manager - the system of automatic processing of applications and execution of documents and Debt Manager - the debt repayment system. The software complex is designed by «CREDITINFO GROUP LTD», Iceland.

The software complex is designated for credit risks estimate of different retail credit products and debt repayment at the early and late stage of bad debts problem.

The software complex includes scoring cards. The users of «CREDITINFO GROUP LTD» software complex are the following international financial groups: «Citibank», «UniCredit Group», «Credium», etc.

The automation system allows to organize the crediting process as a kind of conveyor: under limited participation of the bank’s specialists the credit application passes all the necessary analysis stages and based on the results of its possessing within 20 minutes the decision is taken upon granting the credit. The client needs to file only a minimum set of documents. After this the system allows to adjust the information flow in such a way to most effectively return the bad debts, as well as to encourage the disciplined borrowers by increasing the crediting limits and lowering the interest rate.

With the help of Debt Manager the special free service will be organized on notification of the clients of the current credit debts via SMS and e-mail.

Commenting the news Olena Dmitriyeva, a Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC noted: “The credit products, which will be sold using «CREDITINFO», are first of all credit cards and mortgage”.

In future we plan to automate the rest of credit types out of the Banks’ retail product line. Automated systems allow to accelerate and to reduce the cost of the decision-making procedure, to receive more precise and grounded results, to select disciplined borrowers and to collect debts effectively that will result in lowering of the bank’s exposure, ensure the necessary stability of the bank’s activities and the planned income level. All this will make the Bank more attractive for the clients, modern and recognized.

On finishing the project (approximately in August 2007) “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC plans to introduce similar credit conveyor in the whole Bank’s branches network, which consists of almost 200 points of sale. Before the end of this year for the purpose of retail crediting the Bank plans to open 150 more mini-divisions equipped with up-to-date banking technologies. The credit products will be sold with the help of remote access channels: Internet, mobile communications, self-service banking kiosks. Therefore, the client will be able to make credit operations under maximal convenience.
“Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC also implements other innovation techniques aimed at meeting the main demands of the clients – QUALITY, PRICE, QUICK SERVICE.


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