Balances on current accounts of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC clients increase UAH 250 million

As of December 1, 2006 balances on current accounts of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC individuals amount to UAH 256 million.

 As of December 1, 2006 balances on current accounts of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC individuals amount to UAH 256 million. This places “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC to the eleventh place according to the rating of the Association of Ukrainian Banks with regard to the volumes of the funds attracted on demand from the individuals.
The Head of Retail Banking Department of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC Dmitry Reznikov believes that: “It should be mentioned that in fact 90% of this sum constitute funds attracted to card accounts of the bank’s clients. The bank obtained such results thanks to a wide product line, which can satisfy most fastidious clients, as well as transparent and attractive rate policy. For example, our bank offers the pensioners free opening of a card or current account and an increased interest rate, which allows them to earn additionally 12% annually.
Besides, for the purpose of the clients’ convenience, those customers of the bank, who use the services of international money transfer systems like Western Union, Contact or VMT, are offered to open an international payment card with crediting and writing off operations free of change”.


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