Bonds of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC are confirmed to be marketable

During the circulation period of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC bonds at First Securities Trading System (PFTS) the agreements were concluded with over 240 thousand bonds to the total amount of UAH 246 millionDuring the circulation period of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC bonds at First Securities Trading System (PFTS) the agreements were concluded with over 240 thousand bonds to the total amount of UAH 246 million. Each month the bank’s bonds are among the top ten with regard to the volume of trades at PFTS.
Top volumes of trades in “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC bonds at PFTS were registered in September 2006, that is in the first month after their full placement - 60 thousand bonds to the total amount of almost UAH 62 million and in December of the previous year – UAH 111.5 thousand bonds to the total amount of over UAH113.6 million.
Commenting this fact, the Head of Investment Department of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC Yuriy Kamenetsky noted: "The provided indexes, as well as constant quotations for sale and purchase from several participants of PFTS, certify high liquidity of the bonds market of “Ukrgasbank” JSB, OJSC ".


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