In January - December 2006, Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) increased its net assets by 87%

In January - December 2006, Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) increased its net assets by 87%, which amounted to UAH 4,460.8 million as at January 1, as the Bank’s Press Service informed Interfax-Ukraine Agency on Friday.

In January - December 2006, Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) increased its net assets by 87%, which amounted to UAH 4,460.8 million as at January 1, as the Bank’s Press Service informed Interfax-Ukraine Agency on Friday.

 Within the same period, the balance capital grew 2.2 times and made up UAH 476.7 million, the loan portfolio grew more than by 80% amounting to UAH 2,164.449 million.

 In this connection, its legal entity loan portfolio grew by 49.15% up to UAH 1,573.2 million, and the retail loan portfolio grew more than 4 times up to UAH 591.3 million.

 The Bank’s customer funds increased 1.84 times within the said period up to UAH 2,828.3 million with regard to 1.58-time increase in its money at call to UAH 690.3 million and to 1.73-time increase in its deposit portfolio to UAH 1,890.7 million. In 2006, its legal entity term funds portfolio more than doubled and amounted to UAH 437.6 million, and its retail term funds portfolio grew by 62.6% (UAH 559.6 million) up to UAH 1,453.0 million.

In December, the Bank completed the procedure for making its inaugural syndicated loan in the amount of USD 16 million, Standard Bank Plc (Great Britain) being the principal manager and the credit agent.

Based on its performance in 2006, the Bank’s net profit amounted to UAH 30.8 million, in 2005 amounting to UAH 16.7 million.

Number of payment cards issued by Ukrgasbank in 2006 grew up by 56%, or by UAH 137 thousand, to UAH 382 thousand.

As at January 01, 2007, the Bank’s regional branch network comprised 22 branches and 141 points of sale.

As evidenced by AUB, as at 01 November, 2006, the Bank was the 15th largest bank in terms of its aggregate assets (UAH 3.5 billion), and the 17th largest bank in terms of its loan and investment portfolio (UAH 2.8 billion)


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