Fourth seminar among chief accountants from “UkrGasBank” branches

Traditionally twice a year – in spring and autumn – Main office conducts meeting among chief accountants of “UkrGasBank” branches.

Traditionally twice a year – in spring and autumn – Main office conducts meeting among chief accountants of “UkrGasBank” branches.

On April 27-28 more than thirty leading specialists in accounting gathered in Kyiv. Mainly the meeting was focused on summing-up of the Bank’s activity for 2005, exchange of experience and acquaintance with new accounting trends.

Vadim Lyashko, Chairman of the Board, congratulated all present at the meeting. He thanked them for their painstaking and assiduous work: “Quick and dynamic development of ‘UkrGasBank’ poses new challenges, first of all,  for subdivisions including accounting departments. On behalf of myself and of the Board, I want to thank you for your work and express hope of your work becoming more professional and improved in future”.  

The best accountants of our branches, winners in five nominations received diplomas of honour.




“UkrGasBank” awarded Nikolaychenko Victoria, chief accountant of Kherson branch, in nomination “The best specialist in accounting”.







The prize in nomination “The best organizer in accounting” was given to S’omko Galyna, chief accountant of Kmyanetsk-Podilsk branch.








The prize in nomination “The best manager in accounting” was given to Kozlovska Natalia, chief accountant of Odesa branch (16 outlets).







Perepelytsia Alla, sector manager of analysis and control for bank operations, was awarded in nomination “The most self-sacrificing employee”.







“UkrGasBank” awarded Lepelenko Oleg, chief accountant of Cherkasy branch, in nomination “Patriot of accounting”.








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