Rewarding ceremony "The pride of "UkrGasBank" Awards"

On December 26, during an enchanting ceremony ‘UkrGasBank’ awarded its best employees with “The pride of ‘UkrGasBank’ Awards” in Freedom Entertainment Center.

On December 26, during an enchanting ceremony ‘UkrGasBank’ awarded its best employees with “The pride of ‘UkrGasBank’ Awards” in Freedom Entertainment Center.

500 employees from all branches of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ witnessed the exciting event. According to voting results that took place at our site ‘UkrGasBank’ awarded:

Nomination “The best branch of the year” – Luhansk branch of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’. The prize was given to Head of branch, Shpakovska N.
Nomination “The best division” (“Men in Black”) – Client Policy Department. Ivan Khomich, head of Department, received the prize.

Nomination “The last of the Mochicans” – Bezverha V., Head of Security Methodology Department and Chermoshentseva T., Deputy Chief Accountant – Deputy Head of Accounting Department. Nomination “Breakthrough” (“Per aspera ad astra”) – Vinnitsa branch.
Nomination  “Authority of the year” – Yuriy P. Deynega, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of the Cash Operations Department.
Nomination “Patriot” – Lyudmila V.Bonch-Bruevich, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of Legal Department and M.Bevska, Deputy Head of Leading Operations Department.

Nomination “The best director of the year” – O.Guts, Director of Odesa branch №1.
Nomination “The best head of the year” – Egor G. Rusin, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Director of Credit and Investment Division.

Nomination “The person of legend” – L.Kozak, Director of Lviv branch.


Special prize “The person of the year” – Vadim P. Lyashko, Chairman of the Board.

Awards were represented as golden bullion on the glass. According to organizers the glass symbolizes voting transparency and golden represents employees as the utmost wealth of the Bank.

Among honorary guests the following prominent Ukrainian people were present at the solemn ceremony: Vasyl Gorbal, Honorary President of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’, his wife, Ukrainian singer Gallina, and Volodymyr Virchis, twice boxing champion on WBO. Ukrainian variety performers N.Mogylevska, V.Kozlovskiy entertained the guests.
The idea to implement the ceremony “The pride of “UkrGasBank” Awards”, scenario, performance and design belong to Head of PR – Olexander M. Bilokon.


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