'UkrGasBank' in mass media: Sergiy Naumenko only for "Facts and comments"

One of the best hotels in Egyptian resort Hurghada – “Grand Seas Resord Host Mark” – received the most deserving cadets of the Academy. The opportunity was offered due to the long-term cooperation of ‘UkrGasBank’ and Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The best cadets of the Academy of Internal Affairs received tickets from ‘UkrGasBank’

Igor Antonenko



One of the best hotels in Egyptian resort Hurghada – “Grand Seas Resord Host Mark” – received the most deserving cadets of the Academy. The opportunity was offered due to the long-term cooperation between ‘UkrGasBank’ and Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Awarding cadets with tickets to Egypt, Deputy Chairman of the Board of ‘UkrGasBank’ Sergiy Naumenko noticed:


“Any activity of any contemporary large company can not be considered as full-scale without charity and sponsorship. That is why ‘UkrGasBank’ develops patronage customs since the first day of its existence. In particular, ‘UkrGasBank’ actively conducts cooperation program with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time. The Bank takes pride in traditional help to families of police officers that bore sufferings caused during course of duty. Within the program the cadets have the opportunity to take a good rest at the world resort and visit ancient monuments. The fact that ‘UkrGasBank’ expanding its capital, constantly implements charitable programs, is the best illustration of social responsibility borne by on the leading financial institution of our country.”


Currently OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ ranks among the biggest Ukrainian banks. As of 01/02/2006 the Bank net assets totaled UAH 2,406 bn. And loan portfolio comprised UAH 1,53 bn.


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