Conference devoted to a new card product from 'UkrGasBank'

On February 4, 2006 ‘UkrGasBank’ held a conference on new card product – Fuel Card.

On February 4, 2006 ‘UkrGasBank’ held a conference on new card product – Fuel Card. Our representatives from all Kyiv branches and outlets participated in conference. Participant brought up a subject concerning competitive advantages of the new product, its substantiality and ways of distribution among our clients. Participants have highlighted that the card is rather convenient way of payment with a number of essential advantages for customer, for example:

-         acquiring fuel our customer receive discount up to 2%;

-         with the Fuel Card our customer can acquire fuel even without positive balance on card account;

-         you can pay for fuel only at the end of month and at the price that was set at the day of acquiring;

-         if you do not have enough means to pay, you’ll automatically obtain a one month credit.

Conferees have agreed in views of the new service being useful in client attracting and provide existing ones with helpful and absolutely new product in Ukraine Payment Card Market.


“Fuel Card – is a new service that will help to implement grave plans as of increase in cards issue.”

Head of Retail Banking Department,

Resnikov D.O.


The decision was taken to issue fuel cards (until 01.04.06) according to standard servicing tariff, i.e. without payment for opening and servicing.

Fuel card – is a chip payment card with non-financial addition which functions as a usual payment card Visa Int. and allows our clients to conduct transactions in their own network of fuel companies.

‘UkrGasBank’ pioneered the project of non-financial addition placement on card chip in Ukraine.

Currently, the Bank issues the card only for its clients. In the second quarter of the year we plan to issue fuel cards among individuals and corporate customers of the Bank.


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