International interbank bowling tournament

On Thursday, December 15, 2005, International interbank bowling tournament arranged by ‘UkrGasBank’ took place in entertainment center “Maximum”.

On Thursday, December 15, 2005, International interbank bowling tournament arranged by ‘UkrGasBank’ took place in entertainment center “Maximum”. General number of guests totaled 100 persons.

There are winners of bowling tournament:

Team test– team “FORTUNE”: Aleksey Efremov, Vadim Kurovskiy (bank “Fortune”, Kyiv), Andrey Kyrychenko (bank “Basis”, Kharkiv), Sergey Dmytrenko (bank “Forum”, Kyiv).

Elena Tochilkina (OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’) has won individual test among girls. Andrey Vereshchagin (CJSB ‘Dongorbank’) has won individual test among men.

Sergey Kotsupatriy (OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’) won beer contest and auction. Sergiy Kyryluk (“Citybank - Ukraine”) won lottery of lucky business card.

The friendly meeting allowed participants to discuss urgent questions concerning development of Ukrainian and Russian financial markets, to pave ways to rapprochement and to increase a level of mutual co-operation with partners.

Treasury of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ thanks all participants and expresses hope of further development of mutual beneficial co-operation in New Year 2006.


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