Since the beginning of 2006, UkrGasBank has sold over 2,000 kg bullion

For the first 10 months of the current year, UkrGasBank has imported to Ukraine and sold to its clients over 2,000 kg bullion.

For the first 10 months of the current year, UkrGasBank has imported to Ukraine and sold to its clients over 2,000 kg bullion.

Commenting on this fact, Andrey Ponomarev, Director of Treasury at UkrGasBank, notes: “In 2006, based on the extensive branches and affiliates network, UkrGasBank provided convenient terms of bullion purchase for clients in every region of Ukraine and joined the other top gold operators by expanding its presence in this market to over 20%”.

Oleg Matling, Director of the Bullion Department, comments on the situation: “Fast growth in the bullion market is explained by gold being a unique asset for capital diversification. Unique because of its readiness to resume the role of money at any time due to the following three properties: chemical inertness providing endless storage duration, high concentration of value in a small physical volume, and divisibility without losing its value”.



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