‘UkrGasBank’ in mass media: Ivan Khomych only for ‘Seichas’ edition

Today large majority of Ukrainian ‘serious’ banks offer for rent individual deposit safes. Financiers determine further keen interest in the service

In chase of image bankers are ready to repudiate income from safe deposit boxes. Today large majority of Ukrainian ‘serious’ banks offer for rent individual deposit safes. Financiers determine further keen interest in the service and are to simplify relations with customers. “Demand for rent becomes more popular even without additional advertising,” – points Ivan Khomych, Head of Corporate and Retail Banking Division.


Documents on real estate, securities, jewelry and antiques, mainly, provide a basis of property kept in safes. Tariff on safe deposit boxes depend on some factors. Rent cost varies in size and terms of use: the bigger your safe box the higher is the price, but the longer its terms the cheaper its price. Quality of banking equipment also influences the cost. On average, costs vary between UAH 3,5 and UAH 7,5 per 24 hours. Before, frequency of use was under the cost and was determined in agreement. Currently, the restriction is removed.


According to experts, the service is not going to fall in price even if the number of banking participants increases. Financiers are going to enlarge the participants’ number due to implementation of various loyalty programs. Usually, first of all, people use little boxes than go the biggest. Mid-size deposit boxes are less popular. Terms and conditions of an agreement with banking institution depend on provision rules. General rule determines prohibition to keep weapons, explosive, highly inflammable, radioactive, narcotic and other substances may impact human and environment.


However, full confidentiality is not perfect. Quite of ten agreements don’t envisage succession for safe deposit box. If an accident occurred with a consumer and he/she hadn’t informed its heirs about property kept in safe boxes, property will be lost. After all, bank is going to inform of the fact that definite citizen rents a safe box. In that case if the latter didn’t pay for service in time for any of several reasons after the end of term mentioned in agreement, the bank will force a safe. At that, the bank draws up a statement taking up an inventory of property. According to current legislation the bank keeps unclaimed contents in safe box during next 3 years. With this term being completed the property will be sold in favour of state budget.


Though this business has some advantages for financiers and is in great demand; not every bank offers the service. The fact is that the business is not very profitable for bank. “Servicing fee is not a key one for bank, but their advantage lies in the fact that bank receives fee at once and without risky operations. Besides, we enlarge a list of services for our customers,” – explains Mr.Khomych. Thus, an image of financial institution is top important for financiers. After all, consumers receiving complex services become a long-standing client of the bank.


Veronika Prashuta





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