UkrGasBank has launched money transfers by CONTACT

Since June 2006 OJSB UkrGasBank launched sending and paying of money transfers for the Bank clients – individuals by international money transfers system CONTACT. CONTACT is one of leader in money transfers for individuals across CIS and Baltic States.

Since June 2006 OJSB UkrGasBank launched sending and paying of money transfers for the Bank clients – individuals by international money transfers system CONTACT. CONTACT is one of leader in money transfers for individuals across CIS and Baltic States. 

     Currently if UkrGasBank clients send or receive money transfers they’ll apply developed network of CONTACT locations – it is more than 400 banks and financial institutions in 79 world states (6 500 of all CONTACT locations are in CIS).

    Transfers fee by CONTACT totals 3% of the sum. This fact distinguishes CONTACT from other international money transfers systems. Only transmitter pays fee. OJSB UkrGasBank carries out money transfers by CONTACT in USD, EUR and RUS.

     According to Sergey Naumenko, Deputy Chairman of OJSB UkrGasBank, the Bank pays considerable attention to expend transfer services of means applied by the Bank’s individuals. UkrGasBank considers such an expansion as a necessary condition for enforcement of bank complex».

     Currently program complex of CONTACT system is established in UkrGasBank head office and in every our branch all around Ukraine.
     In the nearest future customers will have an opportunity to send and receive such transfers not only in branches but also in most our outlets. Soon general quantity of the money remittance offices in the Bank’s division will reach 110.

Supplemental information:

     International money transfers and payments system CONTACT was established in 1999. «RUSSLAVBANK» (Moscow, Russia) acts as a founder and Clearing Center of a network of correspondent banks and partners. As of 01.06.2006. CONTACT comprises 297 banks of The Russian Federation (almost ? banks in Russia), 80 banks and 34 financial companies of CIS and abroad. It is more than 27 000 services offices in the world.

     Amount of transactions grow in geometric progression. In 2003 USD 250 mln were remitted by CONTACT, in 2005 these figures totaled USD 900 mln, and from March 2005 till March 2006 sum of remitted money exceeded USD 1 bln.

     OJSB “UkrGasBank” branch network comprises 132 branches and outlets over the whole territory of Ukraine. Currently the Bank sends and pays off remittances by «Western Union» and CONTACT.


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