Aleksander Okhrimenko, one of the leading Ukrainian experts in investment activity, "UkrGasBank" representative, comments as a reporter on conference in the framework of Forum "The capital market of Ukraine - 2006"

Aleksander Okhrimenko comments on for the comming International Forum "The capital market of Ukraine - 2006" in Kyiv taking place on 14-16 June 2006 in Ukrainian House.

Aleksander Okhrimenko comments on for the comming International Forum "The capital market of Ukraine - 2006" in Kyiv taking place on 14-16 June 2006 in Ukrainian House:

“Currently Ukrainian financial market is under essential changes. Respective course of investment business related to capital markets and immovable property comes to take place in banking business where the main role belongs to credit operations. Development of this course of business is actual for our bank. That is why, participation of our bank as general sponsor of forum is a display of our strategic policy. We hope that the forum will help to exchange market participants’ opinions, elaborate general policy in new investment conditions, enlarge sphere of business relations between our bank and its clients. We have a positive experience at Ukrainian investment market in sphere of assets securitization, financial reengineering, securities issue. But at the same moment from our point of view, it is very important to lay of bases investment business development in prospect. There is the main task of this forum – places of meeting for leading operators of financial market.”


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