New service from OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’!

Since 20.03.2006 OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ offered to its clients a new service. Now due to the payment card our customers can replenish their own card accounts immediately in any cash department of our partner bank, it is more than 35 Ukrainian banks being members of UkrCard payment system.

Since 20.03.2006 OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ offered to its clients a new service. Now due to the payment card our customers can replenish their own card accounts immediately in any cash department of our partner bank, it is more than 35 Ukrainian banks being members of UkrCard payment system.
The substance of the new service lies in opportunity not only receive cash in cash department of partner banks but also replenish card accounts in any of 700 POS-terminals of our partner banks over the whole territory of Ukraine.
According to current Ukrainian legislation the operation is to be fulfilled in Ukrainian national currency.
The distinction and important meaning of the service is that funds become available to client at once after the replenishment. The main goal is upgrading of ‘UkrGasBank’ service quality and speed.
For details:
- in Ukraine (calls are free) – 8-800-500-03-10;
- in Kyiv – 239-28-49, 494-46-50;
- in any ‘UkrGasBank’ branch or outlet.
Currently OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ as principal member of Visa and MasterCard payment systems provides 10 Ukrainian banks with membership in MasterCard system and 11 Ukrainian banks – in Visa system. OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ serves more than 260 000 card accounts, more than 880 enterprises and organizations use the Bank’s cards for payments. Our regional network comprises 21 branches and 106 outlets.



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