‘UkrGasBank’ in mass media: Sergiy Krysevych only for LIGABusinessInform

Currently stable interest of financial institutions and Asset Management Companies is observed in Ukraine as of work with institutions of mutual investment.

Currently stable interest of financial institutions and Asset Management Companies is observed in Ukraine as of work with institutions of mutual investment. This opinion expressed by Sergiy Krysevych, Head of Investment and Stock Exchange Operations of Credit/Investment Department.

According to Mr. Krysevych, meanwhile we can fix low level of interest expressed by population, for all the same the level of demand is higher by corporate clients. The banker believes that a number of unit and corporate funds will rise in the current year. Today there are a lot of Ukrainian banks and Asset Management Companies that actively investigate the opportunity of creation of investment funds.

OJSB ’UkrGasBank’ is an assignee of JSB ‘Intergasbank’ and ‘Hadjibei’ bank. There are 116 branches and outlets of the Bank over the whole territory of Ukraine. As of 11/01/2005 the Bank net assets totaled UAH 2080,5 Mio and loan portfolio comprised UAH 1724,6 Mio.

Ukrainian network of business information


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