Friendly support from ‘UkrGasBank’

The day before the Student Day “debut of first-year students” festival took place in Kyiv high vocational school. About ten teams of first-year students competed for honorary title of the best debutant and prizes granted by organizers of the event. The wonderful festival of students’ creative work came into being with the help of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ established special prizes for the participants – “Bank sympathy”.

The day before the Student Day “debut of first-year students” festival took place in Kyiv high vocational school. About ten teams of first-year students competed for honorary title of the best debutant and prizes granted by organizers of the event. The wonderful festival of students’ creative work came into being with the help of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ established special prizes for the participants – “Bank sympathy”.

“UkrGasBank gives active support to programs focused on bringing up children and youth. We must bear the responsibility for our future generations.”
Oleksandr Lutsenko,
’UkrGasBank’ representative

Currently OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ is in the TOP group of the biggest Ukrainian banks. As of 11/01/2005 the Bank net assets totaled UAH 2080,5 Mio and loan portfolio – UAH 1724,6 Mio.


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