UkrGasBank intends to complete its base regional network development by the end of 2007

UkrGasBank intends to complete its base regional network development by the end of 2007.

By the end of 2007 Ukrgasbank intends to complete its base regional network development. The Prospective Development Plan provides for the establishment of 150 more outlets and points of sale. Consequently, by the end of the next year the Bank network will exceed 300 points of sale.

The Bank will be represented in all regional centers of the country, and in district centers characterized by economic potential. Oleg Begun, Head of Distributional Network, commented on this information: "The development strategy of the Bank’s retail services network leads us to active regional network development. Territorial expansion is a key direction in UkrGasBank development. With every new point of sale, we are getting geographically closer to our clients. In addition, the network expansion will allow more people to appreciate the high level of services provided by Ukrgasbank ”.
According to the Bank’s representative, presently, over 50 new points of sale are in the works. By the end of 2006, Ukrgasbank (NBU Licence # 123 as of 19.11.2001) will open its branches in Vinnytsa, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsy, and Khmelnitskiy. In addition, full service scale Bank branches will start operating in Zhytomyr and Chernigiv. Today, 7 more Bank outlets are under registration by the National Bank of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of 2006, Ukrgasbank network has grown by more than 20%, and by early October it had 149 units (21 branches, Kyiv Regional Directorate, and 127 outlets).

Ukrgasbank is also intending to open full service scale outlets rendering the whole range of banking services to individuals and legal entities, and specialized outlets for retail bank products.

Presently, except traditional channels of services’ sales, the Bank is actively developing alternative banking products’ sales channels including mobile banking, Internet banking, etc. among others.



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