Ukrgasbank Attracted 17,000 New SME Customers During Two Years

Over two years of Ukrgasbank’s work with a new client segment, namely with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the bank’s customer base has increased by 17,000 new enterprises.

During this period, SME vertical business processes in regional offices and in the main office of the Bank were built in full scale, the product line was reformed and cooperation with international financial institutions in supporting SME projects was expanded.

Moreover, just in 2 years Ukrgasbank became an absolute leader in advancing loans to Ukrainian condominiums seeking to achieve energy independence.

Ukrgasbank has become the most active bank in financing Ukrainian business with the support of German-Ukrainian Fund as well as in financing acquisition of the high-quality agricultural equipment by agricultural companies in partnership with the Republic of Belarus.

Thus, SME loan portfolio of Ukrgasbank has increased by 300% exceeding UAH 1 billion, and the increase of funds of such customers exceeded 650%, amounting to over UAH 2.5 billion.


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