ECO bank paves the way for hydrogen cars in Ukraine

UKRGASBANK and the Ukrainian Hydrogen Council signed a memorandum on introducing the innovative hydrogen technologies into the Ukrainian energy sector. Being #1 ECO-bank in Ukraine, UKRGASBANK supports environmentally friendly initiatives and hydrogen fuel is just the thing. The efficiency of hydrogen engines is 2-3 times higher than that of petrol engines. Moreover, they need to be refueled just once per 500 km and it takes only 3 to 5 minutes.

"Unfortunately, there are currently no hydrogen projects running in Ukraine. This is despite the fact that our country is one of the leaders in developing renewable energy sources, and ECO-bank is an undisputed leader in their financing. We are ready to invest all our expertise into environmental and energy independence of Ukraine. This can only be achieved by introducing modern, environmentally friendly technologies of energy accumulation and balancing. Hydrogen is exactly such a technology", - said the CEO of UKRGASBANK, Kyrylo Shevchenko.

The next step for UKRGASBANK and Ukrainian Hydrogen Council will be to work out the roadmap for hydrogen economy development in Ukraine. After all, the domestic potential of renewable energy allows Ukraine to eventually become one of the global suppliers of "green" hydrogen, primarily to EU countries. The introduction of hydrogen energy will connect Ukraine to the world's leading energy community and shape the image of a high-tech country.


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