Ukrgasbank took part in "Innovation for Impact" Knowledge Forum

Ukrgasbank’s First Deputy CEO, Andrii Kravets participated in "Innovation for Impact" Knowledge Forum hosted by IFC’s Financial Institution Group (FIG) that took part on June 26-27 in Washington, Unites States. Andrii Kravets showcased the success story of Ukrgasbank’s transformation into green bank. During plenary panel discussions, he shared with the global financial community how Ukrgasbank contributes to popularizing green finance and prevents the climate change by and raising the environmental awareness of the population.

“We try to raise the environmental awareness among our clientele through offering wide range of green finance instruments for a variety of green and energy-saving projects. Green banking offered us a unique opportunity to be a pioneer in the market that was largely undeveloped and lacked green finance expertise. Today we concentrate on financing projects that contribute to the efficient use of resources, reduction of CO2 emissions and renewable energy development. One third of all renewable energy projects in Ukraine is financed by Ukrgasbank”, said Andrii Kravets.

"Innovation for Impact" Knowledge Forum is an annual event that brings together more than 450 global and regional financial markets experts, as well as leaders in Fintech, Climate, Capital Markets and other key strategic areas of focus to exchange expertise and bring innovative thoughts and tangible solutions.


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