Ukrgasbank carried out trade financing operations for more than USD 53 million

Ukrgasbank continues to increase the volume of international trade financing. The bank has already carried out operations for more than USD 53 million under IFC Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP). The total amount of the GTFP limit is USD 40 million, which means that the Bank has not only successfully completed the project, but also continues to increase its scale by opening new deals.

Since the beginning of cooperation under GTFP in 2018, the Bank has carried out 26 transactions worth more than USD 53 million for customers from various segments and sectors of the Ukrainian economy, including SME segment.

Additionally, Ukrgasbank has already issued the first transactions under the EBRD Trade Finance Facilitation Programme for about USD 2 million. An agreement with the EBRD was signed earlier this year in July. 

The current trade financing limits set by the first-class international banks provide significant support for Ukrgasbank customers in their foreign trade operations and allow them to receive a full range of trade finance services for both import and export activity.

This year Ukrgasbank has also entered the top-3 leaders in the nomination “Best Trade Finance Bank in Eastern Europe 2018” of the Global Trade Review international awards.


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