Ukrgasbank team visits the leading Turkish banks: Sekerbank and TEB

A group of Ukrgasbank branch managers visited Sekerbank and Türk Ekonomi Bankası A.Ş. (TEB) in Istanbul, Turkey, during a two-day study visit to exchange the best practices in doing business in the banking sector. The tour was organized for Ukrgasbank by SME Finance Forum (global membership network bringing together financial institutions to promote the growth of SMEs), as part of its knowledge sharing services.

The group visited the headquarters of both banks, Sekerbank branch office and one of its SME clients, as well as one of the TEB startup business house models to learn how to encourage and strengthen local startup business with export potential.

“It was a valuable experience for our team to see the operation of the two leading Turkish banks from the inside. We are sure that adopting the new experience we have gained during the visit into our Bank’s practices will prove very useful in terms of the branch operation organization and the development of the SME segment overall”, said Andrii Kravets, First Deputy Chairman of Ukrgasbank.

For more details, visit SME Finance Forum website.


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