UKRGASBANK has launched an affordable mortgage for Ukrainians at 7% per annum

UKRGASBANK has signed an agreement with Business Development Fund to launch the program “Affordable Mortgage 7%”.

"Reducing the mortgage cost is another important step of the government to provide the Ukrainians with homes of their own. We are sure that the program  will make mortgages even more affordable for families who want to improve their living conditions but cannot afford it, due to lack of funds. In addition, the program will contribute to economic development, as well as stimulate young Ukrainians to stay and live with dignity in their homeland. Therefore, we sincerely approve of the government's initiative to provide Ukrainians with affordable funding and state support and are enthusiastic to join this program. We have already received hundreds of applications and are confident that the program will be in demand. After all, people understand that taking out a loan is more beneficial than renting and, more importantly, apartment is immediately in the borrower’s possession. In July 2020, we launched our own mortgage program. Since then we have issued UAH 500 million worth loans, 60% of which are mortgages granted at the interest rate of up to 10% per annum", said Andrii Kravets, Chairman of the Board of UKRGASBANK.

Thus, the program "Affordable Mortgage 7%" will allow people with relatively not high income to take out a mortgage on housing with partial interest compensation by the state.

For reference: UKRGASBANK currently is one of the leaders in mortgage lending in the secondary housing market.


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