Corporate Governance

Corporate governance in JSB "Ukrgasbank" is based on the following principles:

  • Providing shareholders a real opportunity to exercise their rights in management of the Bank and ensuring the rights of the state as the main owner of the Bank within the legislation of Ukraine;
  • Equal position and opportunities for shareholders regardless of the number of shares owned by them;
  • A balanced, prudent and efficient  management of the Bank by the Board according to current activities;
  • strategic management and effective control of the Bank by the Supervisory board;
  • Specification of the main objectives and directions by  the general meeting of shareholders  of the Bank;
  • Timely disclosure of full and reliable information of the Bank including its financial position, economic performance, events and ownership structure;
  • Efficient control over the financial activity of the Bank in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of shareholders and customers.

Corporate governance in JSB "Ukrgasbank" is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, in particular with the Corporate Governance Principles approved by Decision of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission №955 dd 22.07.2014 and Methodological Recommendations on Improvement of the Corporate Governance in Banks of Ukraine approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine №98 dd. 28.04.2007.

Anticorruption policy

The Bank establishes the principle of rejection of corruption in all its forms and manifestations (the principle of “zero tolerance”) in carrying out daily activities, including interaction with shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, representatives of local authorities, government, political parties, bank employees and others.

In order to prevent the occurrence of corruption in the Bank's activities and to eliminate corruption risks the Bank is constantly taking the following anti-corruption measures:

  • Periodic risk assessment
  • The use of adequate anti-corruption procedures
  • Checking counterparties and customers of the Bank
  • Sharing of information
  • Monitoring and control

The Bank demands its employees and personnel acting on behalf of the Bank on legal grounds to adhere to the Bank`s anticorruption policy by informing them on key principles, requirements and sanctions for their violations. Compliance by The Bank`s employees the principles and requirements of such anticorruption policy is taken into account when selecting candidates for all positions as well as disciplinary penalties.

The Bank is constantly carrying out different training sessions for its bank employees in preventing and combating corruption by organizing relevant seminars, information inquiries and more.

UKRGASBANK is doing everything in its power to ensure that the fundamental principles and requirements of the anticorruption policy are followed by all its clients and customers.

Corporate Culture

The main principles of the Bank:

Professionalism. This principle is based on a professional approach in satisfaction of all needs of our customers.

Reliability. For years the Bank confirms its status as a reliable partner and continues to shape its positive image of the Bank by performing its duties and carrying about its business reputation.

Responsibility. This principle applies to all the members of the Bank (employees, shareholders) and its partners and consists in mutual responsibility among members of the Bank and in their responsibilities to customers, partners and society.

Justice. Justice is the main principle in the determination and of risk management procedures and is decisive in dealing with customers, employees, shareholders and partners.

Transparency. The Bank provides full transparency and accurate information about their activities in accordance with legal requirements and principles of corporate culture.

Respect. The principle of respect is the foundation of the Bank`s relations with customers, shareholders, partners and employees.

Cooperation. Through cooperation the Bank seeks to deepen relationships with customers and partners to achieve the best results.

Ethics. The principle of Decency is crucial in relations between employees, management and shareholders, as well as in cooperation with customers and partners.

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