Official statement of JSB "UKRGASBANK" on investigation into activities of PJSC "Kyivmetrobud" by law enforcement agencies

UKRGASBANK informs that today, January 11, in some of its branches investigative actions are being carried out by employees of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Security Service of Ukraine (СБУ) as part of criminal proceedings on the prevention of  budget funds seizure by officials of PJSC "Kyivmetrobud" and other enterprises under the control of PJSC "Kyivmetrobud" senior officials during the construction of the Syretsko-Pechersko subway section.

The Bank provides comprehensive assistance to law enforcement officials for an objective and impartial investigation  in the framework of the above-mentioned criminal proceedings relative to the activities of PJSC "Kyivmetrobud".

The Bank emphasizes that the above-mentioned procedural actions do not in any way relate to the operational activities of the Bank and its employees.

The branches of the Bank operate normally.


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