Supervisory Board extended the term of office of the incumbent UKRGASBANK CEO Kyrylo Shevchenko

The Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK, featuring 5 independent members out of 7, has taken a decision to extend the term of office of Kyrylo Shevchenko, current Chairman of the Management Board of UKRGASBANK for another 5 years, starting from April 15, 2020.

For reference: Kyrylo Shevchenko has been working in the Ukrainian banking and public finance sectors since 1994. He first started his engagement with UKRGASBANK in 2009 as First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board; in December 2014 he was appointed as Acting Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) and subsequently approved to the position as Chairman of the Management Board since 28 May 2015.   

In 2016, the Bank under the leadership of Kyrylo Shevchenko has adopted the green-banking strategy that takes strong focus on providing banking services to the customers that implement renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental protection projects. The strategy allowed UKRGASBANK to become #1 Ukrainian bank in green lending.

Since 2015, the Bank has been operating profitably and developing new lines of business, SME segment, in particular. For two consecutive years the bank has been nominated by Global Trade Review as the Best Bank in Eastern Europe and in 2019 UKRGASBANK was named the best bank for sustainable finance in Central & Eastern Europe in the Euromoney Award for Excellence 2019.

In addition, the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK decided to appoint the following members of the Management Board:

  • Andrii Kravets (UKRGASBANK First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board since 2015)
  • Denys Chernyshov (former UKRGASBANK Deputy Chairman of the Management Board in 2015-2016 and deputy minister of justice in 2016-2019)
  • Serhii Kharytych (member of Privatbank Management Board responsible for e-banking).


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