UKRGASBANK is Recognized the Best in Providing the Most Reliable Deposits Among Ukrainian State-Owned Banks

UKRGASBANK earned the highest reliability rating of bank deposits among Ukrainian state-owned banks. Such results of "Rating of Bank Deposits Reliability" were released by the rating agency "Standard-Rating" (Ukraine) based on the analysis of Ukrainian banks for the 9 months of 2017.

Among 70 banks, only 60 were ranked in the rating list, and of those 60 banks there were 17 that received the highest rating. The level of bank deposit reliability of 13 banks was recognized as good, while the level of 30 banks was recognized as satisfactory.

The experts emphasized that according to the results of Ukrainian banking system analysis, there is significant progress in banking sector recovery. Also the macroeconomic trends confirmed the healthy nature of the banking sector growth as it is based on recovery of economic activity.

The authors of the rating noted that the reliability of bank deposits among Ukrainian state-owned banks is the evidence that the government same as before shows itself as a secure partner for the state banks.

"The agency believes that such tendencies remain the main achievement of financial stability under the leadership of the NBU, the IMF and the Ukrainian government," the report said.

More about "Rating of reliability (attractiveness) of bank deposits"


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