Ukrgasbank becomes Signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking

Ukrgasbank has become an official Signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking – a single framework for a sustainable banking industry developed through an innovative partnership between banks worldwide and United Nations Environment’s Finance Initiative. 

The Principles for Responsible Banking set out the banking industry’s role and responsibility in shaping a sustainable future and in aligning the banking sector with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. They also, importantly, enable a bank to embed sustainability across all its business areas, and to identity where it has the potential to make the most impact in its contributions to a sustainable world. They also position a bank to leverage new business opportunities with the emergence of the sustainable development economy.

The Principles for Responsible Banking align with the Ukrgasbank strategic goal to become the leading green bank in Ukraine. The Bank aims to strengthen the role of clean energy and energy efficiency as well as popularize “green” ideas in Ukraine. Ukrgasbank’s main objective is to help local companies to make investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, as part of wider efforts to combat climate change in Ukraine, creating value for the shareholders and benefits for the society.

Kyrylo Shevchenko, Chairman of the Board, said: “The ideology of responsible finance is the driving force of our business. For more than 3 years we have been actively financing the renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, thus contributing our fair share to the global goal of combatting the climate change. In joining UNEP FI, we are glad that our voice will amplify the chorus of the fellow-thinkers to make it sound louder and reach out to the wider society, for the people to fathom the need for immediate actions.”


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