The First Loan with Cashback under EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line

Ukrgasbank granted the first loan under the EU4BUSINESS-EBRD credit line. The first participant of the program is a farming enterprise from Odesa region. The client will use the loan to purchase agricultural machinery – a modern grain drill compliant with all EU standards.

Our first borrower is an experienced farmer who has been growing grain crops, legumes, and oilseeds since 2010. The new machinery will significantly increase the efficiency and velocity of the sowing campaign, reduce fuel costs, and harmful emissions.

The program allows our customers not only to upgrade their production line but also to receive a cashback for up to 15% of the loan amount, which the customers can use at their discretion.

For reference: the program was implemented by the EBRD along with the European Union to support sustainable investments in technologies. Its goal is to boost the competitiveness of MSME’s locally and regionally.

To learn more about the program, follow the link:

  • this project was carried out with funding by the European Union.
  • this document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. 


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