UKRGASBANK loan portfolio grew by UAH 7 billion in 2021

According to preliminary data, the loan portfolio of UKRGASBANK increased by UAH 7 billion last year, contributing to the growth of net interest margin to 4.6% (cp: 2.5% in 2020). The regulatory capital adequacy ratio reached strong 18.8%.

The driving force behind the growth was the boost in lending to Ukrainian business, as well as to retail customers. The number of retail loans grew by 22% over the year. In 2021, the Bank granted 1 477 mortgages and 4 054 car loans (including electric cars).

In 2021, UKRGASBANK also focused on sustainable development projects offering loan solutions in energy efficiency, renewable energy, construction, energy accumulation and storage, waste management and water efficiency.

"UKRGASBANK showed good performance last year. In 2021, we financed over 300 green project worth UAH 2 billion, reducing CO2 emissions by 140 000 tons. We continued to finance healthcare projects due to the ongoing pandemic, allocating UAH 500 million for sustainable development projects," said Andrii Kravets, Chairman of the Management Board.


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