UKRGAZBANK and GIZ to support industrial enterprises

UKRGAZBANK joined GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) grant program to support industrial enterprises.

The program aims to facilitate the implementation of the best available technologies and management methods (BAT) for industrial entrepreneurs to reduce industrial emissions and protect the environment.

The conditions for receiving a grant are the following:

  • obtaining a loan from UKRGASBANK for the implementation of the best available technologies and management methods
  • the grant amount: up to 20% of the project cost, but not more than EUR 2 million
  • the BAT project shall relate to the equipment of the following industries: metallurgy (production and metals rolling, surface coating of metals with fusing), chemical industry, production of organic and inorganic materials and compounds, livestock complexes, waste management
  • the deadline for applying is February 28, 2023
  • the possibility of assessing the project effectiveness - until September 2024.

You can download all BAT reference documents with detailed information on technologies used and emission levels achieved, as well as all BAT conclusions, at the following link:

You can find more detailed information about the grant program using the following link:


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