Shevchenko: the Ukrainians have earmarked more than UAH 1.3 billion of their savings for improving the environment

ECO-Deposit has become the most  popular deposit program among UKRGASBANK clients. The funds of this new banking product are channeled to finance environmental projects in Ukraine.

"I had no doubts that this unique banking product  was going to be a success, but the results even exceeded my expectations.  Within only a month since the product has been launched, the Ukrainians deposited UAH 1.3 billion and this number continues to grow. Today 90% of our depositors choose ECO-Deposit over other deposit programs. By the way, the most environmentally-minded investors live in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Sumy region," said Chairman of the Board Kyrylo Shevchenko.

Each Ukrainian who has opened an ECO-deposit contributes to eco-modernization and environmental protection of our country. The raised funds have already been used to finance nearly 40 renewable energy projects, which will annually allow to reduce CO2 emissions by 47.6 thousand tons and produce 67.5 million kW of green energy to cover the needs of more than 28 thousand Ukrainian families. This saves fossil fuels to produce as much as 54 580 Gcal to heat more than 17 thousand apartments.

”There are cleaner air, water, soil and most importantly our children's health behind these numbers! I am sincerely grateful to every depositor and proud of our team for these excellent results!” adds Mr. Shevchenko.


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