Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Andriі Kravets as the Chairman of Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK”

Supervisory Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK” during its meeting on 02 November 2020 unanimously has decided to appoint Mr. Andriі Kravets as the Chairman of Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK”.

Supervisory Board is convinced that the appointment of Mr. A. Kravets will allow ensuring the ongoing continuation of the Bank's successful performance and will contribute to further consolidation of JSB “UKRGASBANK”'s position as one of the leaders of the Ukrainian banking sector.

We remind that during the last five years Mr. Andriі Kravets held a position of the First Deputy Chairman of Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK” and starting with July 2020, performed as Acting Chairman of Management Board of the Bank.  Mr. Kravets will continue performing as the Acting Chairman of Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK" until his candidature is agreed upon by the National Bank of Ukraine. 

The biography of Andriі Kravets and description of his professional activity can be found here.


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