UKRGASBANK reported UAH 521.7 million operating profit for August 2023.

In August 2023, UKRGASBANK generated UAH 521.7 million operating profit before provisioning and taxation. It is the record monthly result of the Bank in recent years, achieved due to efficient operation of all its core business lines.

At the same time, the Bank made impairment provisions for loan transactions and transactions with securities for UAH 787.5 million, primarily due to the destruction of production assets of a large corporate borrower following a missile attack in August 2023.

The negative financial result after provisions totaled UAH 264.5 million in August. At the same time, the Bank demonstrates the profitable performance and overperforms the fixed profitability ratios. Thus, based on the Bank's performance for the first eight months of 2023:

  • operating profit amounted to UAH 2.7 billion, exceeding the planned value by UAH 485 million;
  • net profit amounted to UAH 2.6 billion, exceeding the planned value by UAH 162.7 million.


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